Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Technological Determinism

Has technological determinism entrenched social communicative values or are we still in the driver's seat? We are in a stretch limo sipping champagne and eating chocolate covered strawberries. We haven't been in the driver's seat for many years. However, we enjoy the security of knowing that we are not in the driver's seat, that somehow our lives are easier and better because of our comfort in the backseat. We are somehow excited to have our lives controlled even more by TNBT, simply because it may make our lives run smoother. When in reality we have fallen into a false sense of security. My life is controlled by technology. My day begins and ends with technology. I wake up to an alarm on my phone and setting the alarm is the last thing I do before I go to bed at night. Everything I do at work is done on a computer, even our phones are internet based. 

Unfortunately there hasn't been anything invented in the recent years that is truly life altering. The internet revolutionized the way the world communicated. Computers and laptops made that communication even easier. Smartphones and tablets brought the internet and communication right to our fingertips and even more mobile.  Since this we haven't had anything highly revolutionary. However, we have tricked ourselves into thinking that TNBT will be revolutionary even though it hardly is and something newer and more improved comes along within months. 

Although I disdain the fact that I am completely under the control of technology. I am in no hurry to give up the technology that so thoroughly enslaves my life. 

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