Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Happiness vs Utility

I am such a scrooge when it comes to apps. My sister gets angry with me because I refuse to play games with her and yet I will spend hours on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and YouTube. I justify my time spent because those are the five apps that I subscribe to. I don't often have apps that I get addicted to.

While these particular apps may not provide actual utility to me they do. Facebook, and Instagram allow me to keep updated on people I don't get to see daily. Twitter is a news source, YouTube and Pinterest are simple entertainment and make me happy.

The utility comes because it provides me with hours of something to do. If I am sitting in a doctor's office I can pull out my phone and browse while I wait.

I think these particular apps have made it because they do provide both happiness and utility. People use them for entertainment and function. They are not one or the other. When you look at what apps have failed and what ones have worked there is a strong balance between the two.

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